Neck and Headache Relief is now Complimentary with all 2 and 2.5 Hour Massages or can be added on to any massage for $10 more. This add-on includes a scalp brush, warmed massage oil with Lavendar, Ylang ylang, and Chamomile that hits all those lovely pressure points in your neck head and scalp! Just let me know in the comment section when booking or let me know when you come in for your appointment to add it on!

Thank you for supporting small businesses! A big shoutout to everyone that has been helping me with my new certification in Intra-Oral Massage. Intra-Oral can now be added on to any massage for free until April 1st, when it will be switched to a $10 add on to 90 minute massages or free for 2 hour or longer massages.

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